- Use the search bar to search for any specific purchases that you have created.
- The status of the purchase indicates whether a purchase has been started, created, or completed and paid for. An open purchase is one that has been made, but not yet paid for via bill.
- The job and phase name that the purchase is allocated to.
- The total amount spent on the purchase.
- The Purchase Order number.
- The name of vendor in which the purchase is made out to.
- The item that has been ordered from the vendor.
- Hovering your mouse over the number in blue font will reveal the other items on the purchase. Clicking the blue number will open up the purchase details in a new screen.
- Clicking the printer icon will reveal a preview of the purchase in a pop up. From there, you have the option of downloading the document as a PDF and/or emailing it to the vendor.
- The X button closes the purchase with a balance. Purchases are normally closed by creating a bill for them.
- The clipboard icon is a tool used to mark purchased items as received from the vendor. If the clipboard is blue, the items have not been marked as received. If the clipboard is orange, some items have been received, but not all. Once all items have been marked as received, the clipboard icon will dissapear.
- Click the arrows to sort through multiple pages of purchases.
- The FS icon indicates a flexible spending purchase. These are normally used for subcontractors, but essentially allows purchases to be made without creating an itemized list.
- Beneath your purchases are purchases created by other users in the system. This search bar is used to search for those purchases.
- Pending purchases that appear here are purchases made by users that require you, their direct manager, to approve them before being entered into the system. The green checkmark approves the purchase to be created.
- The X will reject the purchase created by another user.
- The yellow arrow passes off approval authority to someone else. Click this if you would like another user to make the decision to approve or reject this specific purchase.