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What is a phase? #

A phase is a major unit of work within the overall scope of a project. Phases typically encompass multiple tasks that can be grouped together. For example, within a demolition phase there may be tasks for renting dumpsters and equipment, the actual tear-down work, cleaning up, and then hauling/dumping. Many general contractors will align their phases with the Divisions proposed by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI); subcontractors will sometimes align their phases with CSI sub-divisions, though at Knowify we frequently see more customized groupings, too.

Phases of a construction project are sub-categories of work that need to be performed for the job to be completed and used as sub-budgets to get more specific job costing than just the cost vs. budget for the entire job.

Also known as: Division, Sub-division, Cost-code

Example of a phase in a construction job #

A plumbing contractor working on a new construction project breaks down the job into three phases: (1) Groundwork / Site preparation, (2) Rough in, and (3) Trim out. Each of those phases encompasses multiple tasks spanning multiple days. For example, the trim out includes separate tasks for installing fixtures in each plumbed room in the new building. The contractor’s Gantt chart will typically show the major phases and the major dependencies between them, along with each of the tasks nested underneath.

Managing phases in Knowify #

Knowify’s project management tools allow you to break down each of your projects into phases, and to budget and track labor, material, subcontractor, and equipment costs for each phase. This way, you will be able to really understand where you are performing well and where you are not, hopefully helping you to adjust your project management resources (or crews) to ensure that your business is performing as well as it possibly can.